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Status Replies posted by boomix

  1. hello fellow dudes and female dudes, i am on a search to find friends that would like to go to hypertown 2020 with me. my payment will be unseen KTV pictures. i'll post one picture of him just to gain your attention. paldies par reading this post.


    1. boomix


      @Neda I do not remember, were you already 18? Depending on that I can tell you if I make it to hypertown

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)


    Marry me

    1. boomix


      tu nesaņem ielūgumu uz kāzām, ja tu esi tas ko prec

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. de_boomixa_dibens ir mana favorite mape. Fazijs labākais. :valts:

  4. Akka : "Kāpēc viņam nikucītis ir martucītis?"

  5. If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.

  6. Man vienīgajam čats neiet?

    1. boomix


      Vari lūdzu developer konsoles ierakstus atmest? ctrl + shift + i , tad piespied "console" un noskrīno, ko tev tur rāda

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Sometimes you don't know who you can and cannot trust. I still learn that over and over again.

  8. That sad feeling when your discord friends don't come online at all and you're just sitting there alone in the MIX #1 channel for the whole day 3

  9. Arēnu serveris ir pēdējā huiņa. Jums vaig uzlikt normālas mapes, nevis kkadas random mapes, kur uzvar tas kurš labākā vietā campo.

    1. boomix


      Ja vēlies kādus uzlabojumus saistībā ar mapēm, tad droši veido topiku, kur iemet arī tiešus piemērus ar labāk mapēm, nevis statusā sūdzies, par to kas nav labi!

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)
