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False ban.

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I was casually playing on Identity, Jailbreak, when I wrote in chat “How do I get perma-banned?” The admin responded diligently, “advertise another server or hack”. I chose the first option.


I, in my cheekiness, wrote www.exile.lv in the chat, and with no clue as to how to get hacks on Counter Strike, this struck me as the easiest option to get a ban. Nothing occurred within the first few seconds, and the server was as quiet as a ghost town. I banged the keys on my keyboard unable to hold in my anticipation.  I sent the message “where’s my ban”. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the ban hammer landed and struck me, as if I were sentenced in court. The blow was immense and I was banished from Identity forever. A smile formed upon my face, and a tear streamed down my cheek, reflecting the message the admin wrote; “perma ban”. I was ecstatic. I was unable to hold my happiness. I was banned. Banned from Identity, an immense wave of satisfaction washed over me.


However upon my dismay, the admins changed my sentence for a week ban, the tears now forming were not tears of happiness, but of dread. I could not believe what I saw, my head slumped down, and the tears hit my desk going “splash”, “splash”. I listened to the sound for a while until I snapped out of my trance. 


I screamed out in agony not knowing what to do.


After a few minutes of this horrid agony, I decided I’d give it another go, and try to achieve my goal of a perma ban another day and let this horrible story stay in my memory as of today.


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Advertising = perma ban.

Buy unban if you still wanna play on this server. :)

Have a nice day!




The problem is that the admin gave me a "9999 second" ban, and I asked for a perma one.


Have a nice day also  :rolleyes:

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Es jau iepriekš pārlaboju banu no weeka uz perma.

Viņš vienkārši to nav pamanijis LuL


Thank youu, love youu <333


Sorry, didn't notice it because as I checked the ban it was one week  ^_^

Edited by Neda
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Kapēc vispār ir jāraksta angliski, ja Tu proti latviski runāt/rakstīt?


Pilnīgs bullshits, savāc savas smadzeņu šūnas kopā un sāc tās pielietot lūdzu.


Es labprāt uzliktu perm banu tikai tapēc, ka šis viss raksts ir mēsls.

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What the fck is this? Neighbours registering to our forum to ASK for a perma ban? What's next? Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria?


May I ask why do you prefer a perma ban on this server, instead of just ... not playing here?


There's a reason for why I need the ban.

Plus does it really hurt that bad that I'm banned here?  :(

As far as I know banning me doesn't take any money nor does it really take anything.

Kapēc vispār ir jāraksta angliski, ja Tu proti latviski runāt/rakstīt?


Pilnīgs bullshits, savāc savas smadzeņu šūnas kopā un sāc tās pielietot lūdzu.


Es labprāt uzliktu perm banu tikai tapēc, ka šis viss raksts ir mēsls.


I'm so sorry if you don't speak English, but you see I don't really speak Latvian myself  :unsure2:

So I came to the conclusion that I'll write this in a language that we all know and love - English.

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It doesn't hurt, nor it costs any money. It's just very odd that you go through the trouble of registering on our website for the purpose of not playing here anymore. It just doesn't make any sense to me.


All in all, it's a pity we lose a player from another country, because we don't have many of you guys. :)

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