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Status Updates posted by excalibur

  1. The thing about the truth is, not a lot of people can handle it.

    1. TheNazis


      You ugly. Handle it.

  2. Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  3. Today I donated my watch, phone and $500 to a poor guy. You don't know the happiness I felt as I saw him put his pistol back in his pocket.

  4. cepums ar kafiju.

    1. Pienvedeja.


      Cepums ar kafiju un pienu.

    2. Go Hārds.

      Go Hārds.

      Cepumi ar kafiju, pienu un cukuru.

    3. skaruu


      cepums, jo kafija negaršīga

  5. ‘Cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks Scared to death, scared to look

  6. Nothing's that bad, If it feels good

  7. American dream

    1. wMw


      But I'm just tryin' to better my team while gettin' some green

      It's the American dream

      But this is America, not a miracle

      So it can't be as good as it seems

    2. BigTomens