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No Kauliņa Līdz Monstram

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tas tak ir slimi, labāk resns un neglīts staigā nevis ar piepūšamajiem muskuļiem

Kādi piepūsti muskuļi? Ja viņam būtu piepūsti muskuļi, tad viņš nevarētu neko pacelt, viņš uz grudaka spiež 200kg!

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Yeah NEVER BACK DOWN! Except when An Apache helicopter is about to attack you because Apache helicopter has machine guns AND missiles. It is an unbelievably impressive complement of weaponry, an absolute death machine. lejupfzrbogk1354734164.png


Bet ja godīgi... Neizskatās tik labi ar tik daudz musīšiem. :/

Šaubos, kad viņš vecenes dabū :troll:

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Yeah NEVER BACK DOWN! Except when An Apache helicopter is about to attack you because Apache helicopter has machine guns AND missiles. It is an unbelievably impressive complement of weaponry, an absolute death machine. lejupfzrbogk1354734164.png


un propellers var nocirst galvu..



bet par šito zvēru, c'mon sievišķiem šaubos vai tik traki patīk :/

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