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FukkingLegend last won the day on February 5 2021

FukkingLegend had the most liked content!

About FukkingLegend

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FukkingLegend's Achievements

  1. Mans niks: VP_JoskIIIy_VP Mans steamID: 76561199136135209 Admins: re1 Admina steamID: 76561198120620192 Serveris: all servers Iemesls: wh Laiks kad nobanoja: 2021-02-05 18:11:51 Bana ilgums: mūžīgs (0 minūtes) Links uz banu: links Demo: 0 Paša paskaidrojums par situāciju: atvainojiet ludzu manu brali viņš vairak nespeles ar wh es jau vinu salamāju piedodiet ludzu.