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Hackers in gaming

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Attēli šeit - http://matejsapskata.blogspot.com/2016/02/hackers-in-gaming.html


Šis raksts, dažādu iemēslu dēļ tika rakstīts Angliski. Paldies par sapratni !


Hackers have been around since there were computers. What are hackers? Hacker is a person that has a particular set of skills (mostly coding ) that helps him break into other computers, steal information, pretty much a lot of illegal stuff.


But no all hackers are same, hackers go in two groups, white and black hats.

White hats are hackers, that use their skill for good. Improve server security, fix bugs and on & on. Most white hats are ex-black hats, that have decided to do good things or  have been caught by police and offered to work for FBI. One example is Latvian hacker Deniss Čalovskis ( Deniss Chalovskis ) he and a group of hackers, hacked the USA and stole a big amount of money. He got caught, the USA offered him, to come work for them.


Black hats are really...evil! Hackers that use their skills for bad things. They shut down sites, steal information, money etc. Some of them do it for money. Selling the hacks or doing something by request. It's known that some hacker even make hacks for gamers, most popular game that people use hacks on is Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Players go on different sites and purchase the hacks. There are rumors that PRO CS:GO players use hacks on tournaments like Dreamhack. But how they get the hacks on the PC's...easy, some of them have a custom built mice, that has USB-memory. Some PRO players have been caught cheating in events. It's sad because nothing stops them, they earn a lot of money, they can make a new account and start cheating again.


The hacks they use in big events are really hard to spot, they don't show up on screen.

It's pretty scary to live in this world, knowing that anyone you know could be a hacker and that he or she could steal all your info and basically ruin your life.


There a people that don't know the difference between hacker and cheater. You can see it CS:GO games, when someone thinks that opponent uses additional software to improve their aiming, they call them hackers... but, they are not hackers, they are cheaters, it means that someone uses hacks that were made by someone else. It's pretty weird!


Types of hacks


Most popular type of hack in CS:GO and other shooter games are WH a.k.a Wall hack. This hack lets you see trough walls. Aimbot and trigger are hacks, that give you aim of the God, automatically detects enemies head and shoots, you only need to walk, it will do the job.

You can meet a lot of cheaters in games like CS 1.6, Minecraft. In Minecraft there are hack-clients. Those are basicly scripts.


Scripts, generally speaking in the gaming environment, are usually a sort of "hacks" that allow you to do certain actions in sequence through a single click. They are more common in DotA since Dota does have more complicated combos. It's probably just a rant from a toxic player


Scripting can be found in LoL. They are  easy to detect because it shows the GUI, but it's really easy to turn it off. You can spot scripting when player movement is weird, they basically move like BOTS.

There are a lot of hacks in gaming. Like Stacking, involves altering game settings or team lineups to give one or more teams an unfair advantage over others.





And , ghosting Most games allow other participants to observe the game as it is played from a variety of perspectives; depending on the game, perspectives allow an observer a map overview or attach a "camera" to the movement of a specific player .


How to fight hackers/cheaters.


There are ways to fight hackers, cheaters in gaming, by reporting them. But there are ways, cheaters get away with the crime. In CS:GO, is a thing called Overwatch, where you can watch how "Suspect" plays a game, and other player can decide to report him to Valve or not. But, it takes 9-10 reports in one game, to get cheater in Overwatch. So, cheaters play with their friends, that doesen't report him, so he gets away with cheating... not fun at all !


My thoughts!

Why I think cheating is bad, is you use 3rd party software to get "better" at aiming, shooting and even to gain level and money faster, that suck all fun out of games. It's even sadder if hacks are used in multiplayer games.


Why do people use hacks... honestly, I think it's because cheaters want to become better at the game, but Pro player are scared that someone will get better than him, so he uses hacks to make sure that will never happen. I have used cheats, in games like Minecraft and Ace Of Spades, and singleplayer games like Age Of Empires and Grand Theft Auto series. In some games cheats are fun, like in GTA:SAN, cheats bring more fun to the game. But, in games like CS:GO, LoL, Dota etc. it can be fun, but it's not fun playing against cheaters.


Good thing there are things like Anti-cheat plugins in game servers, VAC and a lot of good anti-cheater stuff. But, hackers are evolving really fast, thinking new ways to avoid anti-cheat software, that is pretty scary... we are not safe! I think it will never be possible to ban all cheaters in games, gamers need some kind of filter that filters cheaters and normal players. So everyone could enjoy games! But, anti-cheat software evolves as fast as hackers.  Maybe... soon, people will get tired of cheating in games, I really hope!



But,  sometimes there are people who get banned for no reason, like if you are playing a CS:GO, your skill is good, and you have enemies that play...not really good, they will just report you, because they are angry, and want to get back at you! Those people are toxic, and I don't wish anyone to play with this kind of people. I wish you all to play against good opponents! Game on!







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Nu, temats diezgan neinteresants, manuprāt. Ja tu vēlies saistīt nākotni ar blogošanu, tad iesaku likt interesantus faktus, kas piesaistītu lasītāju, tavs rakstītais, manuprāt, lielākajai daļai jau bija zināms + neinteresants. Protams, tev nav jāpakļaujas tikai lasītājiem, ja tev šis temats liekas saistošs, tad viņš tā interesanti jauzraksta. Nezinu, ceru ka saprati domu :D

+ Pāris gramatiskas kļūdas pašā rakstā- galotnes, pāris teikumi, kurus varētu uzrakstīt sakarīgāk.

Lai vai kā, veiksmi turpmāk. ;)

+ Ieteiktu ielikt vairāk savu domu, plašāk izteikt savu viedokli.

Edited by Go Hards.
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Nu, temats diezgan neinteresants, manuprāt. Ja tu vēlies saistīt nākotni ar blogošanu, tad iesaku likt interesantus faktus, kas piesaistītu lasītāju, tavs rakstītais, manuprāt, lielākajai daļai jau bija zināms + neinteresants. Protams, tev nav jāpakļaujas tikai lasītājiem, ja tev šis temats liekas saistošs, tad viņš tā interesanti jauzraksta. Nezinu, ceru ka saprati domu :D

+ Pāris gramatiskas kļūdas pašā rakstā- galotnes, pāris teikumi, kurus varētu uzrakstīt sakarīgāk.

Lai vai kā, veiksmi turpmāk. ;)

+ Ieteiktu ielikt vairāk savu domu, plašāk izteikt savu viedokli.

Paldies par atblastu ! Zinu jā ar tam galotnēm. Man par tādu tematu lika rakstīt firma ar kuru ļoti vēlos sadarboties, viņiem aktuāla tēma bīj hakeri un gaming. :D

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