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[AMXBANS] ===============================================

[AMXBANS] You have been banned from this Server by Admin RTU Students.

[AMXBANS] There are 1 hour , 59 minutes and 38 seconds left of your ban.

[AMXBANS] Banned Nickname : a[XXX]yeHHeH : *

[AMXBANS] Reason : ' neapcel mani '

[AMXBANS] You can complain about your ban @ www.identy.lv

[AMXBANS] Your SteamID : ' STEAM_0 : 0 : 60088152 '

[AMXBANS] Your IP : ' '

[AMXBANS] ===============================================


2. Slikti runaju pa LV. Bija nepatiess gag. Pec tam ne par ko sperienprojekts. Pec tam Ban. Viss skaidrs.

3. Sakuma. Isa spele bija http://www.failiem.lv/u/mirweym


4. Steammed

5. http://identy.lv/bans/index/55347

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Nu un 2 stundas nevari pasēdēt bez cs par savu stulbumu ?

Raksti man tur visu laiku k-kādu s*du ka es tur esmu lox utt.

Iemācies vienreiz normāli runāt un tad runā ar mani, vai arī vienkārši paklusē un viss būs kārtībā!

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