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Njizhdanchiks, Wh, Nobanoja Quarter

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[AMXBANS] ===============================================

[AMXBANS] You have been banned from this Server by Admin quarter.

[AMXBANS] You are permanently banned.

[AMXBANS] Banned Nickname : njizhdanchiks

[AMXBANS] Reason : ' wh '

[AMXBANS] You can complain about your ban @ www.identy.lv

[AMXBANS] Your SteamID : ' STEAM_0 : 0 : 636796690 '

[AMXBANS] Your IP : ' '

[AMXBANS] ===============================================

njizhdanchiks connected

Kicked by Console: You are BANNED. Check your console.

Kicked : You are BANNED. Check y


Kur viņš tur manīja wh es nesaprotu.

Cikos mani nobanoja, es nezinu, tālab nemācēšu teikt, kurš HLTV vajadzīgs.

Demo - http://failiem.lv/u/ucpuyrl

Links uz banu - http://identy.lv/bans/index/35785

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Un quarter, man šitie tavi jēlie bani jau ir apnikuši. Ja kāds saka, tad arī ieej specos un normāli nospeco kādu , nevis uzticies kautkādam dauņu baram , kurš pasaka - Oooo šitam [] , bano.

Nākošreiz jau runāsim savādāk , ja vēlreizi tādu banu no tavas puses redzēšu.

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