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15 hours ago, exsup said:

Minecraft is a sandbox video game created by Swedish developer Markus Persson, released by Mojang in 2011 and purchased by Microsoft in 2014. It is the single best-selling video game of all time, selling over 180 million copies across all platforms by late 2019, with over 112 million monthly active players

Paldies par informāciju, Minecraft laba spēle.

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Hentai Nazi - It’s not just for you, it smells like a groin, it’s an unusual shooter, but to be honest, it’s just a MEM game of the year, love memes? Do you like easter eggs? Do you like various jokes? Ohhh yeah, you love them. Then you just have to go to Hentai Nazi and find EVERYTHING, I repeat EVERYTHING !!!

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Kissing stimulates the production of hormones responsible for a good mood: oxytocin, which releases the feeling of love and strengthens the bond with the partner, endorphins - hormones responsible for the feeling of happiness, and dopamine, which stimulates the pleasure center in the brain.

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A ghetto (Italian pronunciation: [ˈɡetto]), often the ghetto, is a part of a city in which members of a minority group live, typically as a result of social, legal, or economic pressure.[1] Ghettos are often known for being more impoverished than other areas of the city. Versions of the ghetto appear across the world, each with their own names, classifications, and groupings of people. The term was originally used for the Venetian Ghetto in Venice, Italy, as early as 1516, to describe the part of the city where Jews were restricted to live and thus segregated from other peoples

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Lauvas ir ļoti intersanti dzivnieki. Izskatās baisi un ari izklausās baisi. Kaut kur internetā redzeju ka lauvas nekožļā savu pārtiku, bet rij nost vesalu. Visiem veiksmi pubā un arēnā unnn vel dažus simboliņus vajag.  LAUVAS

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Skudras – ticat vai neticat – sistemātiski ir rados ar medusbitēm, kamenēm un lapsenēm; skudras, tāpat kā medusbites, kamenes un lapsenes, ir plēvspārņu kārtas dzēlējplēvspārņu jeb iežmauglapseņu apakškārtas kukaiņi. Skudras, tāpat kā medusbites, kamenes un lapsenes, ir tā sauktie sabiedriskie kukaiņi. Latvijā atklātas 42 skudru sugas – aptuveni piecpadsmitā daļa no pasaulē zināmajām sugām. Un nebūt ne visām šo insektu sugām tīk nodarboties ar būvniecību – dažām nav īstu, pašdarinātu mājokļu, tās itin labi iztiek ar šādām tādām pagaidu mītnēm, ko pielāgo savai būšanai. 

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Rakim Athelaston Mayers (born October 3, 1988), known professionally as ASAP Rocky (stylized as A$AP Rocky), is an American rapper, songwriter, record producer, model, actor, and music video director. He is a member of the hip hop collective A$AP Mob from which he adopted his moniker.       

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Viss normāli, gan jau būs ok atzīme. Tagad gan laikam jādodas gulēt, un ceru, ka šeit ir 200 rakstzīmes, lai varētu nokasīt lauciņu. Labi, atā, es dodos. 

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nerādīt nekad vairāk memes clubam ček


Edited by Omas-garsigas-pusdienas
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Over 25 years ago, a cargo ship traveling from Hong Kong to the United States accidentally lost a shipping crate in the Pacific Ocean. Inside that crate were 28,000 rubber ducks unwittingly about to embark on many long journeys across the globe. As rubber ducks continue to pop up on shores around the world from Australia to Alaska, they've enlightened our understanding of ocean currents. Some have made it all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, while others have been found frozen in Arctic ice


Edited by SiekaluMeerciite
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Pasaulē ir vairāk nekā 40 delfīnu sugu, un izmēros tie ir, sākot no aptuveni 1,2, līdz pat teju astoņiem metriem lieli. Lielākā daļa delfīnu nemīl lielus dziļumus, bet labprātāk mitinās seklākos okeāna ūdeņos un/vai biežāk peld tuvu ūdens virsmai. Ir piecas delfīnu sugas, kuras mīt saldūdenī. Viņu pastāvīgās mītnes ir upes. Delfīni ir ļoti draudzīgi. Par to liecina arī tas, ka viņi bieži pietuvojas cilvēkiem un ceļo grupās, kas var būt kā divi, tā pat 40 delfīnu lielas. Viņi reti redzami peldam vieni paši. Viņi darbojas komandās. Peld kopā, meklē barību kopā, audzina un apmāca savus bērnus kopā un pārliecinās, ka ikviens ir kaut ko padarījis, ka neviens nepaliek apdalīts.

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Gorillas ir lielākie dzīvnieki primātu kārtā. Tēviņš ir 1,65—1,75 metrus augsts un sver 140—200 kg. Ļoti liels tēviņš var sasniegt 1,8 metru augstumu un 230 kg svaru. Mātīte ir apmēram 1,4 metrus augsta un sver 100 kg. Nebrīvē gorillas izaug smagāki. Tēviņš nebrīves apstākļos var sasniegt 270 kg svaru. Salīdzinoši zemieņu gorillas ir slaidākas un veiklākas nekā kalnos dzīvojošās.

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Zivis ir ūdenī dzīvojoši mugurkaulnieki. Ar retiem izņēmumiem zivis apdzīvo visus zemeslodes ūdensbaseinus, tās pielāgojušās visdažādākajiem ūdens vides apstākļiem no ekvatora līdz poliem, no okeānu dzīlēm un apakšzemes ūdeņiem līdz pat augstu kalnu avotiem. Pie zivju virsklases pieder ārkārtīgi daudz formu: recento zivju vien ir vairāk nekā 20 tūkstoši sugu.

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200 simbolu vadīts jaunietis ienāca šeit un sāka rakstīt pilnīgu bezsakaru lai dabūtu SKRĀPĒ LAIMĒ. 

A video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a two- or three-dimensional video display device such as a touchscreen, virtual reality headset or monitor/TV set. Since the 1980s, video games have become an increasingly important part of the entertainment industry, and whether they are also a form of art is a matter of dispute.

The electronic systems used to play video games are called platforms. Video games are developed and released for one or several platforms and may not be available on others. Specialized platforms such as arcade games, which present the game in a large, typically coin-operated chassis, were common in the 1980s in video arcades, but declined in popularity as other, more affordable platforms became available. These include dedicated devices such as video game consoles, as well as general-purpose computers like a laptop, desktop or handheld computing devices.

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