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58 yo talent ObAmA

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About 58 yo talent ObAmA

58 yo talent ObAmA's Achievements

67kg old talent put1n

Last Update:

Level 4
39.5 hrs in the last 2 weeks

Recently Played Games

  1. 23.9 hrs in the last 2 weeks
    701.6 hrs on record
  2. 7.5 hrs in the last 2 weeks
    7.5 hrs on record
  3. 4.1 hrs in the last 2 weeks
    4.1 hrs on record
  4. 2 hrs in the last 2 weeks
    39.3 hrs on record
  5. 0.3 hrs in the last 2 weeks
    5.5 hrs on record
  6. 0.2 hrs in the last 2 weeks
    0.2 hrs on record
  7. 0.1 hrs in the last 2 weeks
    0.1 hrs on record
  8. 0 hrs in the last 2 weeks
    0.5 hrs on record
  9. 0 hrs in the last 2 weeks
    0 hrs on record